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Playful Interactions: Art by Kazuki Guzman

Chilean-Japanese artist Kazuki Guzman takes everyday objects and infuses them with his own blend of craft and humor. From his intricate needlework with bananas to his tiny precision sculpture made from a piece of gum and its wrapper, the overriding sensibility is of a creative mind at play.

“I enjoy taking jokes seriously, until they become ‘art’ in one way or another. My artworks are often the accidental outcome of playful interactions between the materials and myself.” – Kazuki Guzman 1

Butcher sewn onto butterfly-chopped pork:
Kazuki Guzman - Butcher sewn onto butterfly-chopped pork.


Self-Portrait, 2008 – Chili Sauce on “Japanese” Rice
Kazuki Guzman - Self-Portrait, 2008 -


“Vuitton Nana” – Needle-Pricked Bananas
Kazuki Guzman - Needlework on Banana


Self Portrait, 2008 – Needle-Pricked Bananas
Kazuki Guzman - Needlework on Banana


Carved Pencil
Kazuki Guzman - Carved Pencil


Gum and Wrapper
Kazuki Guzman - Gum Sculpture


Toothpaste Sculpture
Kazuki Guzman - Toothpaste Sculpture


Guzman’s website appears to be down, but you can view his art on his Facebook page.

1 Source: Kazuki Guzman website via Ajoure Blog

Len Williams is a Creative Director for a boutique agency in Sydney Australia.


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