“Dr. Ike” Padnose, Founder of <em>The Ponderosa Stomp</em> (“3 Days of the Best Music You’ve Never Heard Of”)

“Dr. Ike” Padnose, Founder of The Ponderosa Stomp (“3 Days of the Best Music You’ve Never Heard Of”)

Ira “Dr. Ike” Padnose is the founder of The Ponderosa Stomp, a three-day music festival and conference celebrating the “unsung heroes of American music.” Jennifer Odell sat with Dr. Ike to hear about how the Stomp developed and what to expect this year.

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 3)

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 3)

Part 3 of our interview with Liz Nord, where we discuss Jerusalem Unfiltered and Battle for Jerusalem, two projects that explore contemporary Jerusalem through the eyes of local political, social and cultural leaders.

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 2)

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 2)

Part 2 of our interview with Liz Nord, where we discuss how she came to spearhead MTV’s 2008 “Choose or Lose” presidential election coverage, as well as her experience filming a documentary in Haiti for Wyclef’s NGO.

Claudia Goetzelmann: Integrated Media Photographer, Director of Photography

Claudia Goetzelmann: Integrated Media Photographer, Director of Photography

Claudia Goetzelmann is an integrated-media photographer and director of photography who has gained international recognition for her work in the realms of Fashion and Advertising.

Daniel Power: CEO powerHouse Books, Co-Founder, The NY Photo Festival  (Pt. 2)

Daniel Power: CEO powerHouse Books, Co-Founder, The NY Photo Festival (Pt. 2)

Part 2 of our interview with powerHouse books Founder/CEO Daniel Power, in which we delve into his experience of founding the New York Photo Festival and glean some advice for aspiring creative professionals.

What’s New

“Halloween in Brooklyn” – Photos by Joey L.

“Halloween in Brooklyn” – Photos by Joey L.

When photographer Joey L.’s planned trip to shoot the Maha Shivratri festival in India was postponed, he turned his eye to a festival much closer to home—Halloween in Bushwick, Brooklyn.

Recent Works by James Jean

Recent Works by James Jean

James Jean’s art explores themes of decay and renewal, vulnerability and empowerment.

Omote: Real-Time Face Tracking & Projection Mapping

<em>Omote:</em> Real-Time Face Tracking & Projection Mapping

Omote is a collaboration between Japanese artists Nobumichi Asai and Hiroto Kuwahara. The project combines projection mapping and motion tracking to stunning effect.

Shipping Container Home by Julio Garcia

Shipping Container Home by Julio Garcia

The Savanna Project is the home and studio of designer Julio Garcia. It is built from two 40-foot shipping containers and elements of wood, steel and concrete.

“I Have Something To Tell You” – Adrain Chesser

“I Have Something To Tell You” – Adrain Chesser

When photographer Adrain Chesser tested positive for HIV, he knew that he had to break the news to his family and friends somehow.

Jessica Antola: Places & People

Jessica Antola:  Places & People

A sampling of travel photos from the extensive portfolio of Jessica Antola.

‘Kesh Angels by Hassan Hajjaj

‘Kesh Angels by Hassan Hajjaj

These playful and provocative portraits are part of ‘Kesh Angels, an exhibition by Moroccan-born, UK-based artist Hassan Hajjaj.

Ruby: Stop-Motion Face-Painting by Emma Allen

Ruby: Stop-Motion Face-Painting by Emma Allen

Ruby is an animated self-portrait by British artist Emma Allen. It explores the idea of rebirth and illustrates the transfer of energy from one incarnation to another. Allen painted this stop frame animation on herself over five 17-hour days, using face paints, a mirror and a camera.

Dysenterie Moleculaire – Illustrations by Lili des Bellons

Dysenterie Moleculaire – Illustrations by Lili des Bellons

These outlandish characters come courtesy of Lili des Bellons, an illustrator and animator from Paris, France.

Terrible Exaltation: Byronic by Boris Pelcer

Terrible Exaltation:  <em>Byronic</em> by Boris Pelcer

Byronic is a series of paintings by Boris Pelcer, created to capture “the dark mysticism of Byronic characters.”

Personalized Prosthetic Legs by Bespoke Innovations

Personalized Prosthetic Legs by Bespoke Innovations

Custom covers for prosthetic limbs—”fairings”—that elevate otherwise utilitarian accoutrements into personalized, wearable art.

“Yasiin Gaye – Inner City Travellin’ Man” – Mash-Up by Amerigo Gazaway

“Yasiin Gaye – Inner City Travellin’ Man” – Mash-Up by Amerigo Gazaway

Amerigo Gazaway’s latest mash-up is a gorgeous and surprisingly cohesive rework of Marvin Gaye and Yasiin Bey.