Archive for: "Inspiration"

Neil Gaiman Addresses the University of the Arts Class of 2012

Neil Gaiman Addresses the University of the Arts Class of 2012

Check out this touching, humorous and wholly inspirational speech by acclaimed author Neil Gaiman.

Caine’s Arcade – A Short Film by Nirvan Mullick

Caine’s Arcade – A Short Film by Nirvan Mullick

“9 year old Caine Monroy, who built an elaborate cardboard arcade inside his dad’s used auto parts store, is about to have the best day of his life.”

This film made our day.

PressPausePlay: On Creativity in the Digital Age

PressPausePlay: On Creativity in the Digital Age

PressPausePlay, a documentary by creative agency House of Radon, is a riveting meditation on the challenges and opportunities facing creative people and industries in the relentlessly changing digital landscape.

Louis CK Honors George Carlin

Louis CK Honors George Carlin

In a clip from the Tribute to George Carlin at the New York Public Library in March 2010, comedian Louis CK reflects on the influence the late George Carlin had on his career and approach to new material.

Khan Academy on PBS NewsHour

Khan Academy on PBS NewsHour

This is pretty awesome: Sal Khan quit his job in finance to dedicate himself to what became Khan Academy, a free online resource with over 2,100 videos and 100 self-paced exercises and assessments covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history.