Archive for: "Wellness"

Personalized Prosthetic Legs by Bespoke Innovations

Personalized Prosthetic Legs by Bespoke Innovations

Custom covers for prosthetic limbs—”fairings”—that elevate otherwise utilitarian accoutrements into personalized, wearable art.

“Is My Food Really Organic?” iPhone Sensors by Lapka

“Is My Food Really Organic?” iPhone Sensors by Lapka

Lapka is a set of four sensors that connect to one’s iPhone to measure environmental radiation, EMF (electromagnetic field) levels, humidity levels and whether or not one’s food is organic.

Mailet Lopez channeled her intense and challenging experience of battling breast cancer into something creative and positive— IHadCancer, a social network for people whose lives have been touched by cancer.

Anya Porter: Breakti Founder, Movement/Wellness Specialist

Anya Porter: Breakti Founder, Movement/Wellness Specialist

Anya Porter’s passion for dance, yoga and overall spiritual & physical wellness led her to found Breakti, an ongoing workshop in NYC most simply described as a fusion of Breakin’ and yoga.