Archive for: "Arts"

Recent Works by James Jean

Recent Works by James Jean

James Jean’s art explores themes of decay and renewal, vulnerability and empowerment.

Omote: Real-Time Face Tracking & Projection Mapping

<em>Omote:</em> Real-Time Face Tracking & Projection Mapping

Omote is a collaboration between Japanese artists Nobumichi Asai and Hiroto Kuwahara. The project combines projection mapping and motion tracking to stunning effect.

“I Have Something To Tell You” – Adrain Chesser

“I Have Something To Tell You” – Adrain Chesser

When photographer Adrain Chesser tested positive for HIV, he knew that he had to break the news to his family and friends somehow.

‘Kesh Angels by Hassan Hajjaj

‘Kesh Angels by Hassan Hajjaj

These playful and provocative portraits are part of ‘Kesh Angels, an exhibition by Moroccan-born, UK-based artist Hassan Hajjaj.

Ruby: Stop-Motion Face-Painting by Emma Allen

Ruby: Stop-Motion Face-Painting by Emma Allen

Ruby is an animated self-portrait by British artist Emma Allen. It explores the idea of rebirth and illustrates the transfer of energy from one incarnation to another. Allen painted this stop frame animation on herself over five 17-hour days, using face paints, a mirror and a camera.

Dysenterie Moleculaire – Illustrations by Lili des Bellons

Dysenterie Moleculaire – Illustrations by Lili des Bellons

These outlandish characters come courtesy of Lili des Bellons, an illustrator and animator from Paris, France.

Terrible Exaltation: Byronic by Boris Pelcer

Terrible Exaltation:  <em>Byronic</em> by Boris Pelcer

Byronic is a series of paintings by Boris Pelcer, created to capture “the dark mysticism of Byronic characters.”

Just the Two of Us: Cosplay Enthusiasts at Home

Just the Two of Us: Cosplay Enthusiasts at Home

Just the Two of Us is a series of portraits by Austrian photographer Klaus Pichler which provide a glimpse at cosplay enthusiasts in the intimacy of their own homes…in full regalia.

Deconstruction: Art by Sam Rodriguez

Deconstruction:  Art by Sam Rodriguez

Sam Rodriguez is a graphic artist based in San José. Originally self-taught through his experience as a graffiti artist, he later honed his skills at the California College of the Arts as well as through working in the fields of graphic/industrial design, public art and illustration.

Focal Dystonia @ Bottleneck Art Gallery

Focal Dystonia @ Bottleneck Art Gallery

Bottleneck Art Gallery’s latest exhibition is entitled Focal Dystonia and features eye-popping works by Randy Ortiz, Justin Anville, Scarecrowoven and Alex Kirzhner.

Nabil Nezzar: “Heroines”

Nabil Nezzar: “Heroines”

Nabil Nezzar is a French-born designer & illustrator living and working in Belgium.

Endlessly Revolving Wheel: Illustrations by Aldous Massie

Endlessly Revolving Wheel:  Illustrations by Aldous Massie

Aldous Massie is a designer and illustrator based in Sydney, Australia whose art explores themes of self-sacrifice and renewal.