Post Tagged with: "Liz Nord"

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 3)

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 3)

Part 3 of our interview with Liz Nord, where we discuss Jerusalem Unfiltered and Battle for Jerusalem, two projects that explore contemporary Jerusalem through the eyes of local political, social and cultural leaders.

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 2)

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 2)

Part 2 of our interview with Liz Nord, where we discuss how she came to spearhead MTV’s 2008 “Choose or Lose” presidential election coverage, as well as her experience filming a documentary in Haiti for Wyclef’s NGO.

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 1)

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 1)

Liz Nord is a documentary filmmaker and multi-platform producer who has been referred to as a “fierce, youthful visionary.” In Part 1 we discuss her experience of making her acclaimed independent film, 2005’s “Jericho’s Echo: Punk Rock in the Holy Land.”