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Retro Cassette Decal for iPhone 4

Add this to my holiday wishlist—an old-school “cassette” skin for the iPhone 4 by Etsy member bipbopshop. According to the site the skin is printed on high quality vinyl and is waterproof—it can be rinsed clean with water and re-applied.

Retro Cassette Decal for iPhone 4

Retro Cassette Decal for iPhone 4

Retro Cassette Decal for iPhone 4


There are also a few other variations available, such as the pink cassette decal below:

Retro Cassette Decal for iPhone 4


View more of bipbopshop’s items (including several “Leica camera” skins) at Etsy.

Thanks to my friend Imelda Suriato for sending this my way!

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