Video: Art Basel Miami 2011 by Trevz

Trevz of The New Pop


We weren’t able to make it to Miami for Art Basel last month, but luckily our pal Trevz over at The New Pop did. Even better, he shot & edited a 3-minute video recapping some of his favorite moments.

“I have been to Art Basel three times but this year there was an energy that was very different. From the large venues like Scope, to the indie galleries like Fountain, to the streets of the Design District, it felt like everyone everywhere was simultaneously absorbing as well as radiating positive vibes . . .

“This was the first time that I wasn’t on assignment at Art Basel so I could move at my own pace and without all my equipment. The only thing I carried was my 7D. I didn’t even take extra batteries nor did I carry my external audio recorder. But I got to say that it was worth it traveling as light as I did. Shooting was almost an after-thought and I think that comes across in this cut . . .” -Trevz

Art Basel Miami 2011


Keep up with Trevz over at The New Pop. You can also check out Contour’s feature article on Trevz here.

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