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Cathedral of 55,000 LED Lights

The Luminarie Cagna is a massive 28-meter high cathedral-like structure made up of over 55,000 colored LED lights. It was on display at the second annual Festival of Lights in Ghent, Belgium, an event that ran from January 26-29th and drew more than 200,000 people, from both Belgium and abroad.

The structure is the work of Luminarie De Cagna, an Italian family business with a long tradition of building festive and enormous light displays, initially comprised of oil and carbide lamps but later replaced with less hazardous electric lights.

I can only imagine what a breathtaking experience it would be to see this in person, with thousands of other revelers no less.

Luminarie Cagna

Luminarie Cagna

Luminarie Cagna

Luminarie Cagna

Luminarie Cagna

Luminarie Cagna

Luminarie Cagna


Photos: lkerbout / Jos Dielis / Pleuntje

Via Inhabitat


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