Pawel Nolbert: Sneakercube

Sneakercube is an ongoing project by designer and self-proclaimed “hoarder of sneakers” Pawel Nolbert:

“Simply, I take a sneaker that I love & I cube it up. It’s also a kind of my wish list of sneakers, though I own some of them.” 1

As a fellow design geek and sneaker afficionado and I have to say that I love this idea…talk about breaking a style down to its tiniest unit of freshness.

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert

Sneakercube by Pawel Nolbert


Keep up with the cubing festivities at Sneakercube.

Check in with Pawel Nolbert at

1 Source: Sneakercube


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