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OBaH: The After(LiFe)PartY



Our friend OBaH a.k.a. Olskool Beats and Harmonies is an NYC-based DJ, producer and educator. He recently compiled an incredibly funky and uplifting DJ mix entitled The After(Life)Party:

“Lately and over the past several years we’ve lost some tremendously talented, influential folks in the world of music. After giving it some thought I felt compelled to put this mix together for myself, and then share it. This mix contains several unofficial, unreleased …re-edits conjured up by a host of international producers, of classic tunes I’m sure you’ve heard. Now you can appreciate them with a different perspective…”

OBaH: The After(LiFe)PartY


Keep up with OBaH at his website and be sure to check out his regular updates on Podomatic.


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