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Retro Chic: Illustrations by Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn is a Toronto-based illustrator and graphic designer whose robust portfolio features an array of clients in publishing, advertising and music.

His work is inspired by “1940s comic book art, the Russian avant-garde movement and printed materials from the 1950s/60s.” 1 Each piece is created using a combination of painting, digital design and silkscreening.

We love the brisk, invigorating tone of his art. A few of our faves below:

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn

Tavis Coburn


Keep up with Tavis Coburn at TavisCoburn.com

1 Source: Tavis Coburn Bio

Via Dutch Uncle


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