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Shinichi Maruyama: Bodies in Motion

Shinichi Maruyama is known for using high-speed photography to immortalize specific moments—movements rather—before they are lost forever, e.g. the fleeting formation of a cascading droplet of water.

His latest series Nude creates the same visual impression but by combining thousands of such moments into a single image. Maruyama shot disrobed dancers at a frame rate of approximately 2,000 images per second. While they appear to be long-exposure shots, each image is actually a composite of 10,000 individual photographs.

Maruyama collaborated with choreographer Jessica Lang on the series, which involved testing several dancers doing specific routines before finding the right combination of light and motion. 1

Shinichi Maruyama

Shinichi Maruyama

Shinichi Maruyama

Shinichi Maruyama

Shinichi Maruyama


Keep up with Shinichi Maruyama at his website.


1 Source: Behold

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