The Videographers Guide EP 2: “The Recap Video”

The Videographers Guide is a documentary series produced by our friend & professional videographer Trevor “Trevz” Bayack of The New Pop.The series chronicles the efforts of young filmmakers to establish themselves, while also weaving in advice and insights gleaned from interviews with seasoned professionals.

Featured videographer Oneil Vargas-Estevez

Featured videographer Oneil Vargas-Estevez

Episode 2 is entitled “The Recap Video” and features an ensemble of videographers, marketers and other creatives who provide their perspectives on shooting live events. They also reflect on the opportunities and challenges afforded by new platforms such as Vine and FrameBlast for making and sharing videos. A theme that emerges again and again is the importance of one honing a distinctive and authentic artistic presence.

The Videographers Guide is produced in partnership with HypeBeast. Learn more at

-Keep up with VGuide founder Trevor “Trevz” Bayack at The New Pop
-Read Contour’s original in-depth interview with Trevz here.


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