Illustrations by Randy Ortiz

“Randy Ortiz began life as a burrowing freshwater larva. At this stage, he was toothless, with rudimentary eyes, and fed on microorganisms. He transformed into an adult through metamorphosis similar to most amphibians. It involved a radical rearrangement of internal organs, development of eyes and transformation from a mud-dwelling filter feeder into an efficient swimming parasite and sexual tyrannosaur . . .” 1

Thus begins the bio of Randy Ortiz, a self-taught illustrator based in Manitoba, Canada. This gleefully lurid and unapologetically geeky sensibility is fully manifested in his art, which you can check out below.

We love the iconic, almost mythological feeling of so many of these works, as well as the insane level of detail.

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

View more over at Randy Ortiz’s website.

1 Source: About Randy Ortiz


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