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Florence Gidez: Dwellings

Florence Gidez is an artist and printmaker based in Brooklyn, originally from Vermont. I’m particularly fond of the ramshackle dwellings she depicts in some of her prints, structures that are somehow endearing as they lean and crumble into their wild, occasionally surreal surroundings.

In a 2010 interview with Renegade Blog, Gidez discusses the influence that growing up in Vermont had on her art and outlook:

“Vermont is funny because as much as there is the beautiful flora and fauna and rural architecture, there is also a lot of automotive and machinery rotting away in fields and backyards . . . the plants are growing on it, the cows are milling around it, the toads are hopping on it, it has become as natural and lovely as everything else . . . moving to Brooklyn I felt right at home around all the decaying industrial buildings. I got hooked on buildings partly because they are characters that anyone can relate to.”1

Florence Gidez

Florence Gidez

Florence Gidez

Florence Gidez

Florence Gidez

Florence Gidez

Florence Gidez

Florence Gidez

Florence Gidez

Florence Gidez


Experience more of Florence Gidez’s art at Florencegidez.com


1Renegade Blog


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