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Cuelight Interactive Pool Table by Obscura

The Cuelight is a one-of-a kind projection, sensor and tracking system in which images and animations follow the movements of the pool balls as players hit them around the table, turning an otherwise normal game of pool into an interactive art display.

It was developed by creative agency Obscura, and was first installed at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.

Cuelight from Obscura Digital on Vimeo.

The customizable system has three standard settings: “Mercury,” where the surface of the table appears as a thin layer of liquid mercury and the cue ball causes a rippling wake as it rolls across it; “Inferno,” which causes bursts of smoky fire to pour from behind the cue balls; and “Reveal,” which consists of a murky layer of water resting over any custom image until a ball or cue stick moves, revealing the image hidden beneath it (typically a provocative, scantily-clad female model).1

Cuelight by Obscura

Cuelight by Obscura


There’s nothing like a lil’ augmented reality to take the edge off of a missed shot. Great job by the Obscura team.
Check out more of their work at Obscuradigital.com


1 Source: Communication Arts

Via Superpunch

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