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Crazy 4 Cult: New York

Gallery 1988‘s annual Crazy 4 Cult art show kicked off its New York debut earlier this month, with a slew of new and returning artists paying homage to their favorite cult movies.

The exhibition is at 64 Gansevoort St. in the Meatpacking District and runs until September 1st.

Graham Curran "Mad World"

Graham Curran "Mad World" (Donnie Darko)

N.C. Winters  "Descent Into Madness"

N.C. Winters "Descent Into Madness" (The Shining)

Fred Harper "Since I Was Six"

Fred Harper "Since I Was Six" (Fight Club)

Ruel Pascual "Deadline."

Ruel Pascual "Deadline" (Donnie Darko)

JoKa "They Live To Reproduce"

JoKa "They Live To Reproduce" (They Live)

Chris B. Murray "Mashed"

Chris B. Murray "Mashed" (multiple films)


Rhys Cooper "COMING FOR YOU" / "YOUR MOVE" (Terminator/Robocop)

Dave Quiggle "Pee Wee's Headlight Glasses"

Dave Quiggle "Pee Wee's Headlight Glasses" (Pee Wee's Big Adventure)

Jim Horwat "Homage To David Lynch's 'Mulholland Drive'"

Jim Horwat "Homage To David Lynch's 'Mulholland Drive'"

Ben Walker "Cell From John Carpenter's Animated Adventures - The Thing"

Ben Walker "Cell From John Carpenter's Animated Adventures - The Thing" (The Thing)

Jimbot "I Wonder If It Remembers Me"

Jimbot "I Wonder If It Remembers Me" (The Life Aquatic)

Evan Lopez "Always Like This"

Evan Lopez "Always Like This" (The Professional)

Basemint Design "Royale With Cheese"

Basemint Design "Royale With Cheese" (Pulp Fiction)

Joey Spiotto "Wyld Stallyns - Be Excellent To Each Other"

Joey Spiotto "Wyld Stallyns - Be Excellent To Each Other" (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)

John Rozum "A Sumptuous Feast"

John Rozum "A Sumptuous Feast" (Pan's Labyrinth)


For more culty goodness check out Gallery 1988.


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