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Archive for: "Featured"

Anya Porter: Breakti Founder, Movement/Wellness Specialist

Anya Porter: Breakti Founder, Movement/Wellness Specialist

Anya Porter’s passion for dance, yoga and overall spiritual & physical wellness led her to found Breakti, an ongoing workshop in NYC most simply described as a fusion of Breakin’ and yoga.

Alex Gilliam: Cheerleader of Possibility

Alex Gilliam: Cheerleader of Possibility

Alex Gilliam is a national expert on K-12 design education and the founder of Public Workshop, an organization dedicated to helping individuals, schools and communities achieve great things through design and maximize its potential as a tool for positive social change.

Howard Shindler, Painter

Howard Shindler, Painter

Howard Shindler is an artist based in New York City. I knew him first as a DJ on the local club circuit, but as we became better acquainted I discovered and became a fan of his visual art.