Archive for: "Travel"

Jessica Antola: Places & People

Jessica Antola:  Places & People

A sampling of travel photos from the extensive portfolio of Jessica Antola.

Mike Brodie: A Period of Juvenile Prosperity

Mike Brodie: A Period of Juvenile Prosperity

Mike “The Polaroid Kid” Brodie spent 4 years walking, hitching rides and hopping trains all over the U.S., taking photos along the way.

Skating Through India with Pierre Lelievre & Anthony Finocchiaro

Skating Through India with Pierre Lelievre & Anthony Finocchiaro

Check out this exhilarating short film shot over the course of a 10-day visit to India, featuring pro inline skaters Pierre Lelievre and Anthony Finocchiaro.

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 2)

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 2)

Part 2 of our interview with Liz Nord, where we discuss how she came to spearhead MTV’s 2008 “Choose or Lose” presidential election coverage, as well as her experience filming a documentary in Haiti for Wyclef’s NGO.

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 1)

Liz Nord: Director & Multi-Platform Producer (Pt. 1)

Liz Nord is a documentary filmmaker and multi-platform producer who has been referred to as a “fierce, youthful visionary.” In Part 1 we discuss her experience of making her acclaimed independent film, 2005’s “Jericho’s Echo: Punk Rock in the Holy Land.”

Claudia Goetzelmann: Integrated Media Photographer, Director of Photography

Claudia Goetzelmann: Integrated Media Photographer, Director of Photography

Claudia Goetzelmann is an integrated-media photographer and director of photography who has gained international recognition for her work in the realms of Fashion and Advertising.

Photos of Cuba by Raquel Olivo

Photos of Cuba by Raquel Olivo

Raquel Olivo is a Los Angeles-based photographer whose portfolio spans the worlds of fashion, music and advertising. I was recently taken by some of her personal work, particularly her pictures of Cuba.

Tanzania: Photos by Konrad Lukas

Tanzania: Photos by Konrad Lukas

Konrad Lukas is a photographer from Poland who has traveled extensively in Europe, Africa and Western Asia.

Kenya on my Mind: Photos by Jonathan May

Kenya on my Mind: Photos by Jonathan May

A few choice images from a recent trip to Kenya by award-winning photographer Jonathan May.

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

A few choice entries in the running for this year’s National Geographic Photo Contest. Photographers note: the deadline is November 30, so there’s still time to submit photos in any of these three categories: People, Places, and Nature.

Colin Delfosse: Congolese Wrestling

Colin Delfosse: Congolese Wrestling

Colin Delfosse is a documentary photographer who has traveled extensively in many countries including China, Iraq, Vietnam, Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2011 he won the annual PDN Photo Award for his work on Congolese wrestlers.

Johnny Panessa Photography

Johnny Panessa Photography

Johnny Panessa’s passion for photography has led him to places as diverse as Peru, Bali and Vietnam, as well as fostered an ongoing dialogue with his stomping grounds in Brooklyn, Newark and Long Island.