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The Worlds of Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski is an artist and illustrator based in Warsaw, Poland. He has produced work for an array of clients including Ubisoft, Disney, MTV, NVIDIA, and many more.

His quirky and dynamic paintings immerse the viewer in what feel like fully-developed worlds and storylines—some comical, some troubling, but always engaging and leaving you wanting to know what happens next.

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski


Check out more of his art at Michallisowski.com





  1. Lala says:

    Love these…..the tattoo chick..in the bathroom…1st favorite…2nd favorite emaciated cocktail girl. They say so much…love them.