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Sachin Teng: Collision & Colloquy

Sachin Teng is an award-winning illustrator from NYC. His art has appeared in a variety of publications, music albums and other commercial media, as well as numerous exhibitions.

Fragmented personas, technological arcana, cultural artifacts and unbridled nature all converge in his pieces, igniting a discourse on the canvas as well as within the viewer.

From an interview with the Dallas Observer:

“…when your work has a conversation it isn’t necessarily a narrative. Sometimes it’s quite literally aesthetics having a conversation, like digital pixels and flowers. It doesn’t specifically say anything, but how it’s composed creates a message. Is it dominating on top or hiding underneath, or large and overbearing, breaking apart and so on…”

Sachin Teng

Sachin Teng

Sachin Teng

Sachin Teng

Sachin Teng

Sachin Teng

Sachin Teng


Keep up with Sachin Teng at his website and his blog.


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