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Neil Gaiman Addresses the University of the Arts Class of 2012

“I hope you make mistakes. Because if you make mistakes, it means that you’re out there doing something. And mistakes in themselves can be very useful…” – Neil Gaiman

Check out this touching, humorous and wholly inspirational speech by acclaimed author Neil Gaiman. Gaiman shares the creative philosophy underpinning his career trajectory and provides insight into the pitfalls one may encounter as an aspiring and then later successful creative professional.

Many of Gaiman’s points hit home for me and I really appreciated his humility, his humor and what was clearly a sincere effort on his part to provide insights that would be beneficial to those listening. I was initially going to write out a few excerpts to include here but found myself transcribing his entire speech. If you haven’t already, give it a listen!

Neil Gaiman

Keep up with Neil Gaiman at Neilgaiman.com

Via Parka Blogs


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