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Strange Land: The Art of Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng (a.k.a. DW Design) is a digital illustrator based in Stockholm, Sweden. His art unveils a world of surreal landscapes, futuristic architecture and characters that are as intriguing as they are unsettling.

The breadth of his portfolio is difficult to encapsulate in a single post, check out the samples below and then visit his page over at début art.

[Update: The June issue of Juxtapoz features an in-depth interview with Kilian Eng, look out for it in your local magazine aisle.]

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

Check out more of Kilian Eng’s portfolio over at début art


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