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Andrew Myers – Screw Art (literally)

Andrew Myers is a Laguna Beach, California-based artist who creates stunning sculpture-portraits using literally thousands of screws:

Andrew Myers

Andrew Myers

Andrew Myers

Andrew Myers

Andrew Myers

Andrew Myers

Myers starts with a base plywood panel on which he draws out a face and pre-drills as many as 10,000 holes by hand. He then adheres painted pages from a phone book as a backdrop. Next he inserts and meticulously paints each individual screw so that in the end, the sculpture achieves the look and feel of a painted portrait…all without the aid of any computer software to guide him.

Andrew Myers

Andrew Myers

Andrew Myers

Andrew Myers


“Fading Thoughts” is a mini-documentary by Benjamin Pitts which explores Myers’ process and overall philosophy as he immerses himself in a new work:


View more of Andrew Myers’ art at his website.

Len Williams is a Creative Director for a boutique agency in Sydney Australia.


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