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Focal Dystonia @ Bottleneck Art Gallery

Focal DystoniaLast week Bottleneck Art Gallery debuted its latest exhibition, entitled Focal Dystonia.

The 4-man show features a collection of eye-popping works by Randy Ortiz, Justin Anville, Scarecrowoven, and Alex Kirzhner.

Check out a few of our choice selections below and then head over to the Bottlneck website, or if you’re in New York, the gallery itself. The show runs until October 25th.


Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz

Randy Ortiz





Alex Kirzhner

Alex Kirzhner

Alex Kirzhner

Alex Kirzhner

Justin Anville

Justin Anville

Justin Anville

Justin Anville

Justin Anville

Justin Anville




View more of Focal Dystonia over at Bottleneck Art Gallery.

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