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Richard Mosse Photography

Richard Mosse’s photos are breathtakingly gorgeous even as they explore scenes of violent upheaval, or the ruinous aftermath thereof.

His latest series is entitled Infra and was shot in the Democratic Republic of the Congo using a discontinued Kodak infrared film. I’ve included some exerpts below as well as photos from his other series, shot in locations as diverse as Iran, Pakistan and the former Yugoslavia.

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse


The current issue of Aperture Magazine features an in-depth interview with Mosse, which you can read here.

Keep up with Richard Mosse and his photography at Richardmosse.com.


  1. Rachel says:

    Beautiful work. I want the second picture down, if you’re Christmas shopping.

    And he’s driven between Dubai and Abu Dhabi!