Will Love Tear Us Apart? Online Game Inspired by Joy Division Song

“When routine bites hard, and ambitions are low,
And resentment rides high, but emotions won’t grow,
And we’re changing our ways, taking different roads,
Love, love will tear us apart again.”

– Ian Curtis, “Love Will Tear Us Apart”

Will love tear us apart?

Malta-based studio Mighty Box has created an online game based off of Joy Division’s seminal classic Love Will Tear Us Apart.

Will Love Tear Us Apart? is a gorgeous and bleak conceptual piece that encourages players to “reflect on the darker side of love: mis-communication, emotional impasse and the sadness of separation.” 1

Each level of the game—inspired by a verse of the original song—is a dark and deliberately nebulous experience with no clear way of “winning” beyond accepting each journey and subsequent outcome on its own terms. In the words of designer/writer Gordon Calleja:

“Solace may be found in the brief moment of lightness that comes over us when we come to terms with the reality of an irreconcilable relationship.”

We encourage you to experience Will Love Tear Us Apart? for yourself.

Keep up with Mighty Box at Mightyboxgames.com

1 Source: WLTUA >> About

Via our friend Jacqui Collins

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