Archive for: "Arts"

Eat Me: Appetite for Design by viction:ary

Eat Me:  Appetite for Design by viction:ary

Eat Me: Appetite for Design showcases innovations in packaging and identity as well as food-inspired art, products, exhibitions and spatial design.

Oil Paintings by KwangHo Shin

Oil Paintings by KwangHo Shin

South Korean artist KwangHo Shin creates paintings full of quiet longing and uncertainty.

Flyer Designs by PROP4G4ND4

Flyer Designs by PROP4G4ND4

PROP4G4ND4 is an award-winning graphic artist based in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Andrew Myers – Screw Art (literally)

Andrew Myers – Screw Art (literally)

Andrew Myers is a Laguna Beach, California-based artist who creates stunning sculpture-portraits using literally thousands of screws.

…Isms: Understanding Modern Art by Sam Phillips

…Isms: Understanding Modern Art by Sam Phillips

Isms: Understanding Modern Art is a pocket-sized guide to the major and minor groups, styles and schools that have shaped art from the late 19th century until today.

“Sailboats and Swans” – Inmate Portraits by Michal Chelbin

“Sailboats and Swans” – Inmate Portraits by Michal Chelbin

Sailboats and Swans is a series of portraits by Michal Chelbin, depicting inmates housed at Russian and Ukrainian prisons.

Tech Noir: Illustrations by Smithe

Tech Noir: Illustrations by Smithe

These dystopian characters are from the mind of Smithe, an illustrator and graffiti artist based in Mexico.

Li Hongbo – “Pure White Paper”

Li Hongbo – “Pure White Paper”

Li Hongbo is an artist in Beijing who creates statues made of thousands of stacked sheets of paper.

8-Bit Wildlife by Laura Bifano

8-Bit Wildlife by Laura Bifano

Selections from Menagerie, a series of polygonal animal paintings by Laura Bifano.

Gallery 1988 & Hello Giggles Present “Young Adult”

Gallery 1988 & Hello Giggles Present “Young Adult”

Gallery 1988 and Hello Giggles’ Young Adult features 60 female artists showcasing pieces inspired by their favorite childhood literature.

The Videographers Guide: EP 1 + Collector’s Edition Handbook

The Videographers Guide: EP 1 + Collector’s Edition Handbook

The Videographers Guide is a documentary series and collector’s edition handbook by Trevor “Trevz” Bayack.

Playful Interactions: Art by Kazuki Guzman

Playful Interactions: Art by Kazuki Guzman

Chilean-Japanese artist Kazuki Guzman takes everyday objects and infuses them with his own blend of craft and humor.