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Post Tagged with: "Illustration"

The Art of Robert Tirado

The Art of Robert Tirado

Robert Tirado is an illustrator and graphic artist based in Madrid. His style is characterized by blending a variety of digital and manual techniques, mainly inspired by “female beauty, fashion and photography, supported by the geometry, art and music.”

Illustrations by Valistika

Illustrations by Valistika

I’m loving these illustrations by Valistika, a creative studio based in Barcelona.

Sachin Teng: Collision & Colloquy

Sachin Teng: Collision & Colloquy

Sachin Teng is an award-winning illustrator from NYC. His art has appeared in a variety of publications, music albums and other commercial media, as well as numerous exhibitions.

Frank Stockton Illustrations

Frank Stockton Illustrations

Frank Stockton is an artist and illustrator based in Brooklyn, New York. His work has been featured in a number of publications including Ebony, The New Yorker, The New York Times and Runner’s World, as well as assorted books, comics and exhibitions.

Prints by Jon Burgerman

Prints by Jon Burgerman

I’m feeling these prints by UK-based artist and designer Jon Burgerman. They were created last Fall for the opening of High Above the Street, a retail space in Leeds, UK featuring over 80 brands and over 40 artists.

Yōkaii Daizukai by Shigeru Mizuki

Yōkaii Daizukai by Shigeru Mizuki

Shigeru Mizuki’s Yōkaii Daizukai is an illustrated guide to 85 different monsters from Japanese folklore, complete with anatomical diagrams and field notes.

Karl Larson: Scratchboard Portraits

Karl Larson: Scratchboard Portraits

Karl Larson (“larslarson08”) is an artist that I stumbled across on Flickr. He works in a variety of mediums but I’ve been especially taken by his scratchboard portraits.

Kris Kool (1970)- Philip Caza’s Psychedelic Graphic Novel

Kris Kool (1970)- Philip Caza’s Psychedelic Graphic Novel

Kris Kool is a French graphic novel by Philip Caza that was published in 1970 by Eric Losfeld/Le Terrain Vague. Copies are extremely hard to come by, and very little information on it exists about it online. Stunning colors and mind-melting imagery abound…

Dr. Faustus: H.P. Lovecraft x Dr. Seuss

Dr. Faustus:  H.P. Lovecraft x Dr. Seuss

Australian illustrator Dr. Faustus is recreating the classic H. P. Lovecraft tale The Call of Cthulhu as a Dr. Seuss-style children’s book.

The Worlds of Michal Lisowski

The Worlds of Michal Lisowski

Michal Lisowski is an artist and illustrator based in Warsaw, Poland. He has produced work for an array of clients including Ubisoft, Disney, MTV, NVIDIA, and many more.

Strange Charm: Art & Photography by Natalie Shau

Strange Charm: Art & Photography by Natalie Shau

Natalie Shau is an illustrator and photographer of Russian and Kazakhstan descent, currently based in Lithuania. She works primarily in digital media, employing a mixture of photography, digital painting and 3D elements.

Gig Posters by Miles Tsang

Gig Posters by Miles Tsang

Bitchin’ gig posters by Chinese-Canadian artist Miles Tsang.